What is a reviewer?

A reviewer is a document set participant who is assigned a task to review information in a document set. People that start document sets are reviewers by default, but they can add other reviewers as well. All reviewers need to confirm the information entered before the document set can proceed. 

Companies often add their attorneys or paralegals as reviewers for document sets to ensure that the information entered is correct. If any document set participant changes any information, all reviewers must confirm again that the information is correct. If a new reviewer is added, the parties will not be able to sign documents or release signatures until the new reviewer has also confirmed the information in the document set. See How can I have my client add me as a reviewer? for instructions about how your client can add you as a reviewer.

If you’d like to receive email notifications when signature requests are sent, as well as an email with the final signed PDFs, you can also have your client add you as an observer. Learn how in How can I have my client add me as an observer? If you’d like more information about the difference between reviewers and observers, see What's the difference between an observer and a reviewer? and What’s an observer?.

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